Let’s take it down to basics today. No equipment. All you need is your human body. Whether you don’t own any fitness equipment or you are just feeling like a minimalist workout, this one is for you. 

Repeat Each Exercise 1-3 in quick succession with no breaks, then take 30 seconds after exercise 3 before returning to the top of the round. Repeat each round 3X through. Take 90 -120 seconds between the rounds.

Warm Up 5 minutes before you begin. Consider taking a brisk short walk or doing a few toe taps and half way down squats to get warmed up.

Round 1:

  1. Jumping Jacks X20
  2. Squats X10
  3. Push-Ups X10
  4. 30 second rest, then back to the top, 3X through

Round 2:

  1. Burpees X10
  2. Reverse Lunges, Alternate X20 (10 Each Leg)
  3. 30 second Plank Hold (elbows preferred)
  4. 30 second rest, then back to the top, 3X through

Round 3:

  1. Squat Jumps X20
  2. Alternating Curtsy Lunges X20 (10 Each Leg)
  3. 30 second Glute Bridge Isometric Hold
  4. 30 second rest, then back to the top, 3X through

Cool Down X5 minutes with stretching, 30 seconds in each stretch.

You’re finished!! Amazing job :) 

-Coach Katie


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